Collaborating on a Lesson

With the web-based version of CALI Author, multiple people can work together on a lesson.

There are three levels of access: Owners, Editors, and Readers. These are signified with a heart (Owner), a pencil (Editor), and an eye (Reader) next to the lesson, in the Author column, in your Lesson Library.


If you originally created or copied the lesson, you are the Owner.

  • There can only be 1 Owner.
  • Ownership cannot be transferred.
  • Owners can:
    • Edit the lesson, unless Editor access has been transferred. During that time, the Owner becomes a Reader.
    • Transfer Editor access. For Editor access to transfer, the transferee must also be added to the Reader field.
    • Add Readers


The Editor is the person who can make changes to a lesson at any given time.

  • There can only be 1 Editor at a time.
  • Only Owners can add or remove an Editor.
  • Editors can:
    • Edit the lesson
    • Add Readers


Readers have access to a read-only version of the lesson but cannot make changes.

  • There can be any number of Readers on a lesson.
  • Both Owners and Editors can add Readers.
  • Readers can: Review a read-only version of the lesson.

Add or Change Access

  • First, select the gear icon in your Lesson Library next to the lesson you want to share.
  • In the appropriate field, begin typing the name or email address of the person with whom you want to share your lesson. Any options matching that information will appear. Select the correct user then select OK.
  • The recipient will then find the lesson in the Shared with me tab in their Lesson Library.

Tip: When transferring Editor access, the new Editor must also be added to the Reader field for the change to take effect.


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CALI Author How-To Guide by The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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